Journal of the Bromeliad Society
1997 by the Bromeliad Society. Inc.
Vol. 47, No. 2 March—April 1997
Editor: Chet Blackburn, 720 Millertown Road. Auburn, California 95603. Telephone and Fax: 91643854201 Editorial Advisory Board: David H. Benzins, Gregory K. Brown, Pamela Koide, Thomas U. Lincham, Jr.. Harry E. Luther, Robert W. Read, Walter Till.
The Journal. ISSN 0090.8738. is published bimonthly at Orlando. Florida by the Bromeliad Society. Inc. Articles and photographs are earnestly solicited. Closing date is 60 days before month of issue. Advertising rates are listed in the advertising section. Permission is granted to reprint ankles in the Journal, in whole or in pan, when credit is given to the author and to the Bromeliad Society. Inc.
Please address all correspondence about articles and advertising to the editor.
Subscription price (in U.S. $) is included in the 12-month membership dues: single-525.00. dual (two members at one address receiving one Journal)-$30.00, fellowship-$40.00, life-$750.00 Please add $7.50 for international surface mail, except for life members. For first class or airmail add $10.00.
Please address all membership and subscription correspondence to Membership Secretary
Carolyn Schoenau. P.O. Box 12981. Gainesville. Fl. 32605.
Back Issues: All single copies $4.50 1st class postpaid to ZIP addresses. other countries $5.50 airmail post. paid; per volume $20.00 to ZIP addresses. $25.00 to other addresses. 3rd class or surface postpaid. Order back issues from the editor, make checks drawn on U S. banks, bank drafts, or money orders payable to 8.5.1. Prices are subject to change.
Printed by Fidelity Press. Orlando, Florida.
The Bromeliad Society, Inc.
The purpose of this nonprofit corporation is to promote and maintain public and scientific interest in the research. development. preservation, and distribution of bromeliads, both natural and hybrid. throughout the world. You are invited to join.
President - Jerry Rank, 472 Greenhollow Dr. Pataskala. OH 43062
Vice-President - Thomas W. Wolfe. 5211 Lake LeClaire Road. Lutz. FL. 33549
Editor Chet Blackburn. 720 Millenown Road, Auburn. Ca. 95603
Membership Secretary - Carolyn Sehoenatt P.O. Box 12981. Gainesville. FL 32605
Secretary - Joyce L. 13rehm, 5080 Dawne St. San Diego. Ca. 92117
Treasurer - Clyde P. Jackson, 21 Sherwood. Dayton. TX 77535
Directors -
1995-1997 - Peggy Bailey. Florida: John Anderson. Texas.
1996-1998 - Pamela Koide, California: Don Beadle. Florida: Harvey Seitz. Louisiana: Don Garrison, Texas: Jacqui Watts, International.
1997-1999 - Keith Golinski, Australia; Thelma O'Reilly. California: Dan Kinnard, California: Jack Reilly. Central: Hattie Lou Smith, Florida: Doris D. Bundy. Northeast: Bill Soerries. Southern. Sally Thompson, Western: Luiz Felipe Carvalho, International: Pedro Glucksmann. international.
David H. Bening. United States: Olwen Ferris, Australia: Grace M. Goode. Australia; A.B. Graf, United Stares: Robert A. Kautsky. Brazil: Marcel Lecoufle, France: Elmer J. Lorenz, United States: Harry E. Luther. United States: Harold Martin, New Zealand: William Morris, Australia: Werner Rauh, Germany: Robert W. Read, United States: Walter Richter Germany: Lyman B. Smith. United States.
Affiliate Shows: Charlien Rose. 4933 Weeping Willow. Houston. TX 77092.
Affiliated Societies: Carol M. Johnson. 3961 Markham Woods Rd.. Longwood, FL 32779. Conservation: Rolfe W. Smith. Longwood Gardens, P.O. Box 501. Kennett Square, PA 19348.
Cultivar Registration: Ellen Baskerville. 5555 Shady Brook Trail. Sarasota. FL 34243.
Finance & Audit: Don Garrison. 1119 Lisa Lane, Kingwood. TX 77339.
Judges Certification: Flo Adams. 3106 Clear Lake Ct.. Arlington. TX 76017.
Membership and subscriptions to the JOURNAL: Please sec inside front cover. Mulford B. Foster Bromeliad Identification center: Send specimens and contributions to Daffy E. Luther. at the Center. The Marie Selby Botanical Gardens. 811 South Palm Ave.. Sarasota. FL 34236. FAX: 941-951-1474.
Publication Sales: Sally Thompson. 29275 N.E. Putnam Rd.. Newberg, OR 97132.
Research Grant: David IL Bening, Dept of Biology, Oberlin, OH 44074.
Seed Fund: Haney C. Benz. 6327 South Inwood Road, Shreveport, LA 71119-7260.
Slide Library: Jim Ram. P.O. Box 1447. Iowa, LA 70647.
World Conference: Thomas W. Wolfe. 5211 Lake LeClaire Road, Lutz, Fl 33549.